Slow and Steady...

As I figured, my progress is definitely slow.  I'm sort of at a creative impasse in that I'm not really sure where I want to go and what I want to do.  Since the main component of my game was the battle system and I think that's in relatively good shape, I need to focus on art, story, and music.  All things that creatively I lack.  I will definitely get there some day, but for now progress is absolutely going to be slow while I wait for the time, energy, and inspiration to all hit at the same time.  Over the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday I did make a few minor additions.  I started thinking about using "dog parks" as fast travel locations.  So I built an interaction that will hopefully spawn a "pokemon" style fast travel map.  The interaction is set up and extensible.  Now it just needs the map to be created, pop, and then allow unlocked selections.  It might make more sense to just use a menu for this.  We'll see how it goes and if I can pull off the map.

I also added in a few lines of code where at the end of a cave when you walk on a certain spot it takes you to a boss.  I haven't triggered the boss battle yet, but i have it set up to move to the boss and start a conversation.  I need to do the sprite for the boss and have a placeholder there for now.  Actually triggering the battle should be as easy as setting the enemy type variable and calling the battle script.

That's all for now.  Like I said, slow and steady.  I just need to keep plugging along.  I did get everything set up on the new laptop I bought to have a partial focus on allowing me to work on this while watching TV or otherwise loafing around so I don't need to be tied to my home office after long hours at work.  We'll see if that actually helps.  Probably not, but I had good intentions!

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